Air Conditioning Warranty Claim

Asset Aircon is an accredited agent for Air Conditioning warranty Claim in Gold Coast and the surrounding areas for major brands like Hisense, Actron, and Rinnai.

We would like to advise that Asset Aircon resigned as Service and Warranty Agent for AHIC Carrier. We will no longer process claims on Carrier, Toshiba, and Fujitsu brands. Please contact the manufacturer directly.

Need Air Conditioning Warranty Claim?

Start an air conditioner manufacturer warranty call out in Gold coast? Simply complete the warranty call-out form. Then, We’ll take it from there.

The following items are NOT considered a valid warranty on air conditioning units or parts (unless otherwise authorised by the manufacturer).

The call-out fee under any of these circumstances is chargeable to the consumer:

  • Unlawful or unlicenced air-conditioner installation.
  • Installation faults (including incorrect gas line to the appliance, cross-connection, incorrect or faulty power supply).
  • Tempering Valve faults or adjustments.
  • Incorrect zone/dip switch settings.
  • Powerpoint not working/not switched on.
  • Explanation of appliance operating procedures (including features & benefits).
  • General lack of user maintenance (e.g. blocked filters, etc).
  • User error.
  • Damage, problems, or failure resulting from improper operation and/or inadequate maintenance. E.g.; dirty return air grille/filter on gas ducted heaters, soiled top/front filter in split systems.
  • Acts of God; fire, wind, lightning, flood, storm, earthquake, vermin, insects, spiders, or any other foreign objects or matter into the product such as dirt, debris, soot, or moisture.


Damage or failure caused by weather including, but not limited to; hail, salt or other corrosive substances.

For full Warranty Terms & Conditions

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